Tuesday, June 12, 2012

People who eat organic are JERKS.

Today is an agricultural publication we receive in my office, I stumbled upon one of the funniest and least factual articles I have probably ever read. The article referred to a study done by Loyola University that consisted of only 60 participants, and judged the personalities and ethical perspectives of individuals based on if they chose to eat organic vegetables or not. The article went on to describe how people who eat organically are "jerks" and seem to have a superior mentality in reference to their moral values. The article was written by one of the editors of the magazine, and I couldn't help but to think to myself how ill informed and small minded the people in charge of this study, and the article, written were. Coming from someone that works with people who are all organic, environmentally friendly people, I find this to be the exact opposite. I don't think I've ever met people that are geared towards the health and good will of others. This also upset me because the article continued to insinuate that because people compensated with environmentally friendly food, they were less inclined to treat their fellow humans with respect or goodwill. How ignorant can we be people? I don't know how you connect those two things together. If you are connecting my food choices to the way I treat my fellow humankind, then you need to re-examine what your priorities in your field are, and focus on something a little more profound then trying to degrade people for choosing to watch and be conscious of what they choose to put in their bodies. I also don't think that judging the moral capacity of 60 people is a clear representation of a larger group of millions that eat organically. You can check out the article here:


Last I checked, science was founded on results, not one study involving less people then are usually in one of my college lectures. Finally, should people who eat organically feel food superior? No, but they do deserve to be proud of themselves for committing to a healthy lifestyle. Isn't that what all of America is pushing right now? With cancer and disease rates booming, I would be smug if I was taking one step to a healthier life too. I understand that not everyone can afford to eat organically, but understanding the reasoning behind it and at least being enlightened about what is ACTUALLY in our food is important. Afterall, aren't we all trying to stay one step ahead death?

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